JTK asked for it, so here it is! My very exciting desktop.
Posted in random | 5 Comments »
Hey – that thumbnail needs a link to a bigger image 🙂
BTW – the link to the online discussion does not work, but great to see you are now using wordpress.
And speaking of wordpress I am working on a new WP theme. Let me know what you think.
Hey – that thumbnail needs a link to a bigger image
Thanks for the heads up. I think I’ve got it all linked up now.
And speaking of wordpress I am working on a new WP theme. Let me know what you think
That theme is pretty slick looking. Are you going to enter it into the wordpress 2.0 theme competition here? http://www.kcyap.com/competition/
As a suggestion, maybe you could add some fancy styling to the comments area? Maybe a background talk bubble in a similar shade?
Horrified to see you are using Internet Explorer.
No worries Steve. I use Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Safari, Netscape and all kinds of modern browsers.
No need to spread the firefox propaganda over here 🙂
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the web's watercooler
February 15th, 2006 at 4:43 pm
Hey – that thumbnail needs a link to a bigger image 🙂
BTW – the link to the online discussion does not work, but great to see you are now using wordpress.
February 15th, 2006 at 4:45 pm
And speaking of wordpress I am working on a new WP theme. Let me know what you think.
February 15th, 2006 at 6:56 pm
Thanks for the heads up. I think I’ve got it all linked up now.
That theme is pretty slick looking. Are you going to enter it into the wordpress 2.0 theme competition here?
As a suggestion, maybe you could add some fancy styling to the comments area? Maybe a background talk bubble in a similar shade?
March 4th, 2006 at 7:17 pm
Horrified to see you are using Internet Explorer.
March 17th, 2006 at 2:57 pm
No worries Steve. I use Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Safari, Netscape and all kinds of modern browsers.
No need to spread the firefox propaganda over here 🙂